Dr. Tarit Kumar Bose
- Dr.-Ing in Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Stuttgart, West Germany, 1965
- Dipl -Ing. in Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Munich, West Germany, 1960
Areas of Specialization:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics including boundary layer heat transfer.
- Thermodynamics including gas dynamics for dissociated and ionized gases
- Aircraft and rocket propulsion, gas flow with solid particles, Aero-noise.
- Temperature measurement for plasma (Spectroscopy, Langmuir probe and total enthalpy probe) and LDA.
Professional Associations:
- Fellow of National Academy of Sciences of India, Allahabad, India
- Fellow of Aeronautical Society of India, New Delhi, India
- Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Member of Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer, Madras, India
Career Highlights:
- Metacomp Technologies (1998-2009)
- Faculty Member, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Indian Institute.of Technology., Madras, India. (July 1970 – 1998)
- NASA-NRC Resident Research Associate in the Heat Transfer Group, Propulsion Research and Advanced Concepts Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. (Jun 68 to May 70).
- Hill Research Fellow. Univ of Minnesota Heat Transfer Laboratory. (Jun 67 to May 68).
- Scientist. Jet Propulsion Division, National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore, India. (Nov 65 to May 67).
- Doctoral student and research assistant under Prof. F Bosnjakovic at Technical Universities at Braun- schweig and Stuttgart, West Germany (Oct 60 to Sept 65).
- Design Engineer for steam turbines. Siemens-Schuckertwerke, Muelheim/ Ruhr, West Germany.(Apr 60 to Oct 60).
Courses Taught at IIT Madras:
Basic Aerodynamics, Basic Gas dynamics, Basic Propulsion, Design of aircraft gas turbines, rocket propulsion, high temperature gas dynamics, Aerodynamic noise, computational fluid dynamics, boundary layer theory.
Recent Research Activities:
- Real gas effects in hypersonics. (IIT Madras, India)
- Secondary injection thrust vector control. (IIT Madras, India)
- Flow and heat transfer in turbine cascade blades with secondary injection. (IIT Madras, India)
- Flow and heat transfer from impinging jets to flow deflectors. (IIT Madras, India)
- Plasma heat transfer for impinging jet (with or without multiphase flow). (IIT Madras, India)
- Flow studies inside a passenger car by Finite Volume method. (IIT Madras, India)
- Weakly Ionized Plasma (July to Oct 1997 at Purdue Univ.)
Advanced Degree Supervision:
Doctoral : 10
Masters : 16